
Topics in Statistical Learning Theory
About adaptive coding on countable alphabets: max-stableenvelope classes
About adaptive coding on countable alphabets
Sharp threshold for percolation on expanders
Adaptive compression against a countable alphabet
A high-dimensional Wilks phenomenon
On concentration of self-bounding functions
Coding on countably infinite alphabets
Error exponents for AR order testing
Theory of classification: a survey of some recent advances
Moment inequalities for functions of independent randomvariables
Introduction to Statistical Learning Theory
Concentration inequalities using the entropy method
Concentration Inequalities
On a square packing problem
Model Selection and Error Estimation
Bins and balls: large deviations of the empirical occupancyprocess
Problèmes d'informatique fondamentale. Voyages au pays de l'informatique fondamentale au gré de problm̀es de concours.
On the fluctuations of the giant component
Model Selection and Error Estimation
Loss patterns and loss resilient codes over the Internet
About priority encoding transmission
A sharp concentration inequality with applications
Coding exponents for some Markov channels
Codage à Protections Inégales et Diffusion
Noise Injection: Theoretical Prospects
An urn model from learning theory
De la représentation à la validation~: lagénéralisation dans les réseaux de neurones
Control of complexity in learning with perturbed inputs
Sur les traces de l'apprentissage
Algorithmique parallèle
Message Passing Architectures
Bruit et apprentissage
Learnability in the Presence of Noise
Apprentissage et calculs