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--- template: inter-slide # Probability III: Discrete conditioning ### 2021-09-16 #### [Probability Master I MIDS]( #### [Stéphane Boucheron]( --- template: inter-slide ##
### [With respect to an event](#condevent) ### [With respect to an algebra](#conddiscretealgebra) ### [Conditional expectation and prediction](#condpred) --- template: inter-slide name: motivation ## Motivation ??? Conditioning is central to probabilistic reasoning. In this lesson, we investigate discrete conditioning. In this setting, the definition of conditional probability is not an issue. The definition of conditional expectation can be deceptively simple. Nevertheless the discrete setting lends itself to intuitive definitions and manipulations. The simplest notion we meet is conditional probability with respect to a specific event with positive probability (Section \@ref(condevent)). Conditional probability offers an intuitive interpretation of independence. In Section \@ref(bayesformula) we state, check and discuss Bayes formula. In Section \@ref(conddiscretealgebra), we define conditional expectation with respect to an atomic `\(\sigma\)`-algebra. This defines conditional expectation with respect to a discrete random variables. In Section \@ref(condpred), we characterize conditional expectation as an optimal predictor. This characterization is very helpful when defining conditional expectation in the general setting. --- template: inter-slide name: condevent ## Conditioning with respect to an event --- ### Definition Let `\(P\)` be a probability distribution on `\((\Omega, \mathcal{F})\)` Let `\(A \in \mathcal{F}\)` be such that `\(P\{A\} > 0\)` Let `\(B\)` be another event ( `\(B \in \mathcal{F}\)` ) The _probability of `\(B\)` given `\(A\)`_ is defined as: `$$P\{B \mid A\}= \frac{P\{A \cap B\}}{P\{A\}}$$` --- ### Example If - `\(X\)` is a standard Gaussian random variable on `\((\Omega, \mathcal{F})\)`, and - event `\(A\)` is defined by `\(\{ \omega : X(\omega) \geq t\}\)` for some `\(t\geq 0\)`, we may condition on event `\(A\)` and define `\(P\{B \mid A\}\)` for `\(B = \{ \omega : |X(\omega)|\geq 2t\}\)` We get `$$P\{ B \mid A \} = \frac{P\{ X \geq 2 t\}}{P\{ X \geq t\}}$$` --- ### Proposition[ Let `\(P\)` be a probability distribution on `\((\Omega, \mathcal{F})\)` Let `\(A \in \mathcal{F}\)` be such that `\(P\{A\} > 0\)` then `\(P\{\cdot \mid A\}\)` ( `\(P\)` given `\(A\)` ) defines a probability distribution over `\((\Omega, \mathcal{F})\)` ] ??? We may check the proposition by considering once again the definition of probability distributions. --- ### Proof `\(P(\cdot \mid A)\)` maps `\(\mathcal{F}\)` to `\([0,1]\)`. We have `\(P(\Omega \mid A)= P(A \cap \Omega)/ P(A) = P(A) /P(A)= 1\)` Let `\((B_n)_n\)` be a monotone increasing sequence of events, then `$$\begin{array}{rl} P (\cup_n B_n \mid A) & = \frac{P((\cup_n B_n) \cap A)}{P(A)} \\ & = \frac{P(\cup_n (B_n \cap A))}{P(A)} \\ & = \frac{\lim_n P(B_n \cap A)}{P(A)} \\ & = \lim_n P(B_n \mid A) \, . \end{array}$$`
--- We may consider the distribution of random variables on `\((\Omega, \mathcal{F})\)` under `\(P\{\cdot \mid A\}\)`. We compute the expectation of `\(X\)` under `\(P\{ \cdot \mid A\}\)`: `$$\mathbb{E}_{P\{\cdot \mid A\}} X = \frac{\mathbb{E} [\mathbb{I}_A\, X]}{P\{A\}}$$` This is often denoted by `\(\mathbb{E}[X \mid A]\)`, we will try to avoid this possibly misleading notation. --- ### Example Assume `\(X\)` is standard normally distributed. One may investigate the distribution of `\(X^2\)` conditionnally on event `\(A = \{ \omega : X(\omega)\geq t\}\)` For `\(t>1\)`, we have `$$\begin{array}{rl} \mathbb{E}_{P\{\cdot \mid X \geq t\}} X^2 & = \frac{\int_t^\infty x^2 \phi(x) \mathrm{d}x}{\int_t^\infty \phi(x) \mathrm{d}x}\\ & \leq \frac{t^2}{1-1/t} + 1 \, . \end{array}$$` where the upper bound is obtained by repeated integration by parts. The distribution of `\(X\)` given `\(A\)` is not Gaussian. Under `\(A\)`, `\(X\)` is very concentrated in the neighborhood of `\(t,\)` and tends to be more concentrated as `\(t\)` goes to infinity. --- Knowing the probability distribution given event `\(A\)` enables to investigate independence of events with respect to `\(A\)` The next trivial proposition is worth reminding. ### Proposition[ If `\(A\)` and `\(B \in \mathcal{F}\)` satisfy `\(P\{A\}> 0\)`, then `\(A\)` and `\(B\)` are independent under `\(P\)` iff `$$P\{B\mid A\}= P\{B\}$$` ] --- template: inter-slide name: bayesformula ## Bayes formula --- Bayes formula is sometimes used in probabilistic causation theory. This is a difficult matter. Causality is a subtle notion and we will refrain from making causal interpretations. --- ### Proposition: Bayes formula[ Let `\(P\)` be a probability distribution on `\((\Omega, \mathcal{F})\)`, Let `\((A_i)_{i \in \mathcal{I} \subseteq \mathbb{N}}\)` be a collection of pairwise disjoint events, with non-zero probability such that `\(\cup_{i \in \mathcal{I}} A_i = \Omega\)` ( `\((A_i)_i\)` form a complete system of events) Let `\(B\)` be an event with non-zero probability, then for all `\(i \in \mathcal{I}\)` `$$P\{A_i \mid B\} = \frac{P\{A_i \} \times P\{B \mid A_i \}}{\sum_{j \in \mathcal{I}} P\{A_j \} \times P\{B \mid A_j \}}$$` ] --- ### Proof By definition, `$$P\{A_i \mid B\}= P\{A_i \cap B\}/ P\{B\}= P\{A_i \} \times P\{B \mid A_i \}/ P\{B\}$$` Morever `$$\begin{array}{rl} P \{ B\} & = P\{B \cap (\cup_{j \in \mathcal{I}} A_j)\}\\ & = P\{\cup_{j \in \mathcal{I}} (B \cap A_j)\} \\ & = \sum_{j \in \mathcal{I}} P\{B \cap A_j \} \\ & = \sum_{j \in \mathcal{I}} P\{A_j \} \times P\{B \mid A_j \}. \end{array}$$`
--- In the preceding proposition, - `\(P\{A_i \}\)` is called the _prior probability_ of `\(A_i\)` and - `\(P\{A_i \mid B\}\)` is called the _posterior probability_ --- template: inter-slide name: conddiscretealgebra ## Conditional expectation with respect to a discrete `\(\sigma\)`-algebra ??? While the general notion of conditional expectation requires some abstraction, we can introduce conditioning with respect to a discrete `\(\sigma\)`-algebra starting from the elementary notion of conditional probability with respect to an event with positive probability. --- ### Definition Let `\(\Omega\)` be a universe, `\(\mathcal{F}\)` a `\(\sigma\)`-algebra of events on `\(\Omega\)`, `\(P\)` a probability distribution on `\((\Omega, \mathcal{F})\)`, Let `\((A_i)_{i \in \mathcal{I} \subseteq \mathbb{N}}\)` be pairwise disjoint events, with non-zero probability such that `\(\cup_i A_i = \Omega .\)` Let `\(\mathcal{G}\)` be the atomic `\(\sigma\)`-algebra generated by `\((A_i)_{i \in \mathcal{I}}\)`. Let `\(X\)` be a random variable from `\((\Omega, \mathcal{F})\)` to `\((\mathcal{X}, \mathcal{H})\)`, the _conditional expectation of `\(X\)` with respect to `\(\mathcal{G}\)`_ is the random variable defined as `$$\mathbb{E} [X \mid \mathcal{G}] = \sum_{i \in \mathcal{I}} \mathbb{E}_{P_{\{\cdot |A_i \}}} [X] \times \mathbf{1}_{A_i}$$` --- While `\(\mathbb{E}_{P_{\{\cdot |A_i \}}} [X]\)` is a real number, `\(\mathbb{E} [X \mid \mathcal{G}]\)` is a `\(\mathcal{G}\)`-measurable function from `\(\Omega\)` to `\(\mathcal{X}\)`: `$$\mathbb{E} [X \mid \mathcal{G}](\omega) = \sum_{i \in \mathcal{I}} \mathbb{E}_{P_{\{\cdot |A_i \}}} [X] \times \mathbf{1}_{A_i}(\omega) \qquad \forall \omega \in \Omega$$` These two kinds of objects should not be confused. We will refrain from using notation `\(\mathbb{E}[X \mid A_i]\)` since it may be confusing: `\(\mathbb{E}[X \mid A_i]\)` might denote either - `\(\mathbb{E}_{P_{\{\cdot | A_i \}}} [X]\)` or - `\(\mathbb{E} [X \mid \sigma(A_i)]\)` where `\(\sigma(A_i)\)` is the sigma-algebra generated by `\(A_i\)`: `\(\{ A_i, A_i^c, \Omega, \emptyset\}\)` --- name: prp:espercond ### Proposition[ Let `\(P\)` be a probability distribution on `\((\Omega, \mathcal{F})\)`. Let `\((A_i)_{i \in \mathcal{I} \subseteq \mathbb{N}}\)` be a collection of pairwise disjoint events, with non-zero probability satisfying `\(\cup_{i \in \mathcal{I}} A_i = \Omega\)` Let `\(\mathcal{G}=\sigma\Big((A_i)_{i \in \mathcal{I}}\Big)\)` denote the sigma-algebra generated by `\((A_i)_{i \in \mathcal{I}}\)`. The random variable `\(X\)` is assumed to be `\(P\)`-integrable. The conditional expectation `\(\mathbb{E} [X \mid \mathcal{G}]\)` is a `\(\mathcal{G}\)`-measurable random variable, that satisfies the next property: `$$\mathbb{E} \left[ YX \right] = \mathbb{E} \left[ Y \mathbb{E} [X \mid \mathcal{G}] \right] \qquad \forall Y \in \sigma(\mathcal{G}), Y \text{ bounded.}$$` If two `\(\mathcal{G}\)`-measurable random variables `\(Z, T\)` satisfy `$$\mathbb{E} \left[ YX \right] = \mathbb{E} \left[ Y Z \right] = \mathbb{E}[YT] \qquad \forall Y \in \sigma(\mathcal{G}), Y \text{ bounded}$$` then `\(Z=T\)` almost surely ] --- ### Proof We need to ckeck two points: i. `\(\mathbb{E} \left[ X \mid \mathcal{G} \right]\)` satisfies Property in [Proposition](#prp:espercond) i. if `\(Z\)` satisfies Property in [Proposition](#prp:espercond), then `\(Z = \mathbb{E}\left[ X \mid \mathcal{G} \right]\)` `\(P\)`-almost-surely. Checking i.) If `\(Y\)` is `\(\mathcal{G}\)`-measurable, then `\(Y = \sum_{i \in \mathcal{I}} \lambda_i \mathbf{1}_{A_i}\)` for some real-valued sequence `\((\lambda_i)_{i \in \mathcal{I}}\)` . --- ### Proof (continued) Then `$$\begin{array}{rl} \mathbb{E} [Y \mathbb{E} \left[ X \mid \mathcal{G} \right]] & = \mathbb{E} \left[ \left( \sum_{i \in \mathcal{I}} \lambda_i \mathbf{1}_{A_i} \right) \left( \sum_{j \in \mathcal{I}} \mathbf{1}_{A_j} \frac{\mathbb{E} [ \mathbf{1}_{A_j} X]}{P\{A_j \}} \right) \right]\\ & = \left. \mathbb{E} \left[ \sum_{i \in \mathcal{I}} \lambda_i \mathbf{1}_{A_i} \frac{\mathbb{E} [ \mathbf{1}_{A_i} X]}{P\{A_i \}} \right) \right]\\ & = \sum_{i \in \mathcal{I}} \lambda_i \mathbb{E} [ \mathbf{1}_{A_i} X] \frac{\mathbb{E} \left[ \mathbf{1}_{A_i} \right]}{P\{A_i \}} \quad \text{linearity of expectation}\\ & = \sum_{i \in \mathcal{I}} \lambda_i \mathbb{E} [ \mathbf{1}_{A_i} X]\\ & = \mathbb{E} \left[ \left( \sum_{i \in \mathcal{I}} \lambda_i \mathbf{1}_{A_i} \right) X \right]\\ & = \mathbb{E} \left[ YX \right] . \end{array}$$` --- ### Proof (continued) Checking ii.) Assume `\(Z\)` satisfies Property in [Proposition](#prp:espercond) Define `\(Y\)` using `\(Y = \mathbf{1}_{A_i}\)`, for some index `\(i \in \mathcal{I}\)`. As `\(Z\)` is `\(\mathcal{G}\)`-measurable, there exists a real-valued sequence `\(\left( \mu_j \right)_{j \in \mathcal{I}}\)`, such that `\(Z = \sum_{j \in \mathcal{I}} \mu_j \mathbf{1}_{A_j}\)` Thus, relying on the fact that events `\(A_j\)` are pairwise disjoint: `$$\mathbb{E} \left[ ZY \right] = \mathbb{E} \left[ \sum_{j \in \mathcal{I}} \mu_j \mathbf{1}_{A_j} \mathbf{1}_{A_i} \right] = \mu_i P\{A_i \}$$` According to Property in [Proposition](#prp:espercond), we have : `$$\mathbb{E} [ZY] = \mathbb{E} [XY] = \mathbb{E} [X \mathbf{1}_{A_i}]$$` Finally for all `\(i \in \mathcal{I}\)`, `\(\mu_i = \mathbb{E} [X \mathbf{1}_{A_i}] / P\{A_i \}.\)` We can conclude `\(Z = \mathbb{E} [X \mid \mathcal{G}]\)`.
--- template: inter-slide name: condpred ## Conditional expectation as prediction --- The next proposition reveals the role of conditional expectation in prediction/approximation problems. ### Proposition[ Let `\(Y\)` be a square-integrable random variable on `\((\Omega, \mathcal{F}, P)\)` and `\(\mathcal{G}\)` a discrete sub- `\(\sigma\)` -algebra of `\(\mathcal{F}\)` The conditional expectation of `\(Y\)` with respect to `\(\mathcal{G}\)` minimizes `$$\mathbb{E}\left[\big(Y - Z\big)^2\right]$$` amongst `\(\mathcal{G}\)`-measurable square-integrable random variables ] ??? This proposition is a strategic asset in the elaboration of conditional expectation with respect to general sigma-algebras --- Recall that a `\(\mathcal{G}\)`-measurable random variable is a function that remains constant on each `\(A_i, i \in \mathcal{I}\)`. ### Proof If `\(Y\)` is a random variable on `\((\Omega,\mathcal{F}),\)` and if we are trying to predict at best `\(Y\)` from a `\(\mathcal{G}\)`-measurable random variable, we are looking for a sequence of coefficients `\((b_i)_{i\in \mathcal{I}}\)` that minimizes: `$$\begin{array}{rl} \mathbb{E}_P \left[ \Big( Y - \sum_{i\in \mathcal{I}} b_i \mathbf{I}_{A_i} \Big)^2 \right] & = \mathbb{E}_P \left[ \Big( \sum_{i\in \mathcal{I}} (Y-b_i) \mathbf{I}_{A_i} \Big)^2 \right] \\ & = \sum_{i\in \mathcal{I}} \mathbb{E}_P \left[ \left( Y-b_i\right)^2 \mathbf{I}_{A_i} \right] \\ & = \sum_{i\in \mathcal{I}} P\{A_i\}\, \mathbb{E}_{P\{\cdot \mid A_i\}} \left[ \left( Y-b_i\right)^2 \right] \end{array}$$` Thus for each `\(i\)`, `\(b_i\)` must coincide with the expectation of `\(Y\)` under `\(P\{\cdot \mid A_i\}.\)` The best prediction of `\(Y\)`, in the sense of the quadratic error, among the `\(\mathcal{G}\)`-measurable functions is the conditional expectation of `\(Y\)` with respect to `\(\mathcal{G}\)`.
??? The properties identified by propositions \@ref(prp:espercond) and \@ref(prp:espercondpred) serve as a definition for the conditional expectation with respect to a general `\(\sigma\)`-algebra. --- template: inter-slide name: easypropcondexp ## Properties of conditional expectation --- We state without proof a number of useful properties of conditional expectation with respect to discrete `\(\sigma\)`-algebras. We shall prove them in full generality later. ### Proposition[ If `\(X \leq Y\)`, `\(P\)`-a.s., then $$ \mathbb{E}[X \mid \mathcal{G}] \leq \mathbb{E}[Y \mid \mathcal{G}] \qquad P \text{-p.s.}$$ ] --- ### Proposition[ `$$\mathbb{E}[ aX + bY \mid \mathcal{G}] = a \mathbb{E}[X \mid \mathcal{G}] + b \mathbb{E}[Y \mid \mathcal{G}]$$` ] --- ### Proposition If `\(\mathcal{H} \subseteq \mathcal{G} \subseteq \mathcal{F}\)` `$$\mathbb{E}\left[\mathbb{E}\left[ X \mid \mathcal{G}\right] \mid \mathcal{H} \right] = \mathbb{E}\left[ X \mid \mathcal{H} \right]$$` `$$\mathbb{E}\left[\mathbb{E}\left[ X \mid \mathcal{H}\right] \mid \mathcal{G} \right] = \mathbb{E}\left[ X \mid \mathcal{H} \right]$$` --- ### Exercise
Prove the proposition. --- ### Corollary[ `$$\mathbb{E} X = \mathbb{E}[\mathbb{E}[X \mid \mathcal{G}]]$$` ] --- template: inter-slide name: gw1 ## Application: Galton-Watson processes I --- The size of generation `\(k\geq 0\)` is defined recursively by `$$Z_0 = 1, \qquad Z_{k+1} = \sum_{i=1}^{Z_k} X^k_{i} \, .$$` The `\(\sigma\)`-algebra `\(\sigma(Z_k)\)` is discrete/atomic, it is generated by the pairwise disjoint events `\(\Big\{ Z_k = a\Big\}\)` for `\(a \in \mathbb{N}\)`. --- ### Proposition[ `$$\mathbb{E}\Big[Z_{k+1} \mid \sigma(Z_k)\Big] = \mathbb{E}X^0_1 \times Z_k$$` ] --- ### Proof On the event `\(\Big\{ Z_k = a\Big\}\)`, we can determine the conditional distribution of `\(Z_{k+1}\)`. `$$\begin{array}{rl} \{ Z_{k+1} = b \wedge Z_k = a\Big\} & = \Big\{ \sum_{i=1}^a X^k_i = b \wedge Z_k = a\Big\} \\ & = \Big\{ \sum_{i=1}^a X^k_i = b\Big\} \cap \Big\{ Z_k = a \Big\} \end{array}$$` As `\(\sum_{i=1}^a X^k_i\)` and `\(Z_k\)` are independent random variables, we have `$$\begin{array}{rl} P \Big\{ Z_{k+1} = b \mid Z_k = a\Big\} = P \Big\{ \sum_{i=1}^a X^k_i = b \mid Z_k = a\Big\} = P \Big\{ \sum_{i=1}^a X^k_i = b \Big\} \end{array}$$` --- ### Proof (continued) Note that the right-hand-side has nothing to do with `\(Z_k\)`. On the event `\(\{Z_k = a\}\)`, `\(Z_{k+1}\)` is distributed like the sum of `\(a\)` independent copies of `\(X^0_1\)`: `$$\begin{array}{rl} \mathbb{E} \Big[ Z_{k+1}\mid \sigma(Z_k)\Big] & = \sum_{a=0}^\infty \mathbb{E}_{P(\mid Z_k=a)}\Big[Z_{k+1}\Big] \times \mathbb{I}_{Z_k=a} \\ & = \sum_{a=0}^\infty \mathbb{E}_{P(\mid Z_k=a)}\Big[ \sum_{i=1}^a X^k_i \Big] \times \mathbb{I}_{Z_k=a} \\ & = \sum_{a=0}^\infty \mathbb{E}\Big[ \sum_{i=1}^a X^k_i \Big] \times \mathbb{I}_{Z_k=a} \\ & = \sum_{a=0}^\infty \sum_{i=1}^a \mathbb{E}\Big[ X^k_i \Big] \times \mathbb{I}_{Z_k=a} \\ & = \sum_{a=0}^\infty a \mathbb{E} X^0_1 \times \mathbb{I}_{Z_k=a} \\ & = \mathbb{E} X^0_1 \times Z_k \, . \end{array}$$`
--- An immediate corollary is: `$$\mathbb{E}Z_k = (\mathbb{E} X^0_1)^k \qquad\text{forall } k\geq 0\,.$$` The sequence of expected sizes of generations forms a geometric sequence. A Galton-Watson process is said to be _sub-critical_ if the expectation of the offspring distribution is smaller than `\(1\)`. --- ### Proposition[ The extinction probability of a sub-critical branching process is equal to `\(1\)`. ] --- ### Proof Denote by `\(E_k\)` the event `\(\{ Z_k = 0\}\)`. Observe that the sequence `\((E_k)_k\)` is increasing. Denote by `\(E_{\infty} = \cup_{k=0}^\infty E_k\)`. `$$P \{ E_k^c \} = P\{ Z_k \geq 1 \} \leq \mathbb{E} Z_k$$` Hence `\(P\{E_k^c\} \downarrow 0\)` and `\(P\{ E_k\} \uparrow 1\)` By monotone convergence `\(P(E_\infty) = 1\)`.
--- The expected size of the total progeny of subcritical branching process is equal to `$$\sum_{k=0}^\infty \mathbb{E} Z_k = \sum_{k=0}^\infty (\mathbb{E} X^0_1)^k = \frac{1}{1 - \mathbb{E} X^0_1}$$` --- ### Remark
Working with discrete conditioning allows us to derive non-trivial statements about the Galton-Watson process without knowing much about the offspring distribution beyond the fact that its expectation is smaller than `\(1\)`
We still ignore the details of the distribution of `\(Z_k\)`, let alone of the distribution of `\(\sum_{k=0}^\infty Z_k\)` --- class: middle, center, inverse background-image: url('./img/pexels-cottonbro-3171837.jpg') background-size: 112% # The End