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--- class: middle, left, inverse # Exploratory Data Analysis : Canonical Correlation Analysis ### 2021-12-10 #### [Master I MIDS & MFA]() #### [Analyse Exploratoire de Données]( #### [Stéphane Boucheron]( --- exclude: true class: middle, left, inverse # Exploratory Data Analysis XII Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) ### 2021-12-10 #### [EDA Master I MIDS et MFA]( #### [Stéphane Boucheron]( --- class: inter-slide exclude: true ##
### [Motivation](#bigpic) ### [CCA](#cca) --- [Canonical Correlation Analysis]( goes back to Hotteling (1936) Consider a setting where we have to views/perspectives on the same data For example, suppose we record meteorological data from a range of locations Each location defines a sample point For each location, we have temperature data on one side, and wind speed, wind direction, atmospheric pressure on the other side How can we decribe relationships between the two perspectives? This is the question tackled by CCA --- ### Definition (CCA) Given a real matrix `\(Z\)` with `\(n\)` rows and `\(J_1 + J_2\)` columns. `$$Z = \left[ \quad {\underbrace{\Huge Z_1 }_{J_1 \text{ col. }}}\quad {\Large\vdots}\quad { \underbrace{\Huge Z_2 }_{J_2 \text{ col. }} } \quad\right]$$` Canonical Correlation Analyis (CCA) consists of finding vectors `\(a \in \mathbb{R}^{J_1}\)` and `\(b \in \mathbb{R}^{J_2}\)` that maximize correlation between `\(Z_1 a\)` and `\(Z_2 b\)` --- Let `\(S_{1,1}, S_{2,2}, S_{1,2}\)` denote the covariance matrices defined by `\(Z_1, Z_2\)` `$$S_{1,1} = \frac{1}{n} \left( Z_1^T \times Z_1 - Z_1^T \times 1\times 1^T \times Z_1\right)$$` `$$S_{1,2} = \frac{1}{n} \left( Z_1^T \times Z_2 - Z_1^T \times 1\times 1^T \times Z_2\right)$$` `$$S_{2,2} = \frac{1}{n} \left( Z_2^T \times Z_2 - Z_2^T \times 1\times 1^T \times Z_2\right)$$` We look for `\(a\)` and `\(b\)` that maximize `$$\frac{a^T S_{1,2} b}{\big((a^TS_{1,1}a)(b^TS_{2,2}b)\big)^{1/2}}$$` --- ### Proposition The vectors `\(a \in \mathbb{R}^{J_1}\)` and `\(b \in \mathbb{R}^{J_2}\)` that maximize `\(\frac{a^T S_{1,2} b}{\big((a^TS_{1,1}a)(b^TS_{2,2}b)\big)^{1/2}}\)` are the first left and right extended singular vectors of `$$S_{1,2}$$` with respect to matrices `\(S_{1,1}\)` and `\(S_{2,2}\)` --- The extended singular value decomposition of `\(S_{1,2}\)` with respect to matrices `\(S_{1,1}\)` and `\(S_{2,2}\)` is a triple `\(U \in \mathcal{M}_{J_1, k}\)`, `\(D \in \mathcal{M}_{k,k}\)`, `\(V \in \mathcal{M}_{J_2, k}\)` such that `$$S_{1,2} = U \times D \times V^T$$` - `\(D\)` is non-negative, diagonal, with non-increasing diagonal entries - `\(U^T \times S_{1,1} \times U = \text{Id}_{k}\)` - `\(V^T \times S_{2,2} \times V = \text{Id}_{k}\)` --- ### Proof We first assume `\(S_{1,1}\)` and `\(S_{2,2}\)` to be Positive Definite. - `\(S_{1,1}\)` and `\(S_{2,2}\)` have invertible square roots `\(S_{1,1}^{-1/2}\)` and `\(S_{2,2}^{-1/2}\)` - For `\(a \in \mathbb{R}^{J_1}\)` and `\(b \in \mathbb{R}^{J_2}\)`, let `\(u, v\)` be defined as `\(u = S_{1,1}^{1/2}a\)` and `\(v = S_{2,2}^{1/2}b\)` - `$$\frac{a^T S_{1,2} b}{\sqrt{a^TS_{1,1}a}\sqrt{b^T S_{2,2}b}}= \frac{u^T S_{1,1}^{-1/2} S_{1,2} S_{2,2}^{-1/2}v}{\|u\|\|v\|}$$` --- ### Proof (continued) The unit vectors `\(u,v\)` that maximize the right-hand-side are the leading left and right singular vectors of `$$S_{1,1}^{-1/2} \times S_{1,2} \times S_{2,2}^{-1/2}$$` --- ### Proof (continued) Let us handle the case where either `\(S_{1,1}\)` or `\(S_{2,2}\)`, or both are not Positive Definite - `\(S_{1,1}\)` or `\(S_{2,2}\)` still have square roots, and the square roots have symmetric Semi Positive Definite pseudo-inverses (Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverses derived from spectral decomposition) denoted by `\(S_{1,1}^{-1/2}\)` and `\(S_{2,2}^{-1/2}\)` that satisfy: `$$S_{1,1}^{1/2} \times S_{1,1}^{-1/2} \times S_{1,1}= S^{1/2}_{1,1} \qquad S_{1,1}^{-1/2} \times S_{1,1}^{1/2} \times S_{1,1}^{-1/2} = S_{1,1}^{-1/2}$$` - The unit vectors `\(u,v\)` that maximize `\(\frac{u^T S_{1,1}^{-1/2} S_{1,2} S_{2,2}^{-1/2}v}{\|u\|\|v\|}\)` are again the leading left and right singular vectors of `$$S_{1,1}^{-1/2} \times S_{1,2} \times S_{2,2}^{-1/2}$$`
--- The leading left and right singular vectors of `\(S_{1,2}\)` with respect to the metrics defined by `\(S_{1,1}\)` and `\(S_{2,2}\)` define the first stage of _canonical correlation analysis_ The full canonical correlation analysis of `\(Z = [ Z_1 \; \vdots\; Z_2]\)` is made of the whole sequence of extended left and right singular vectors corresponding to positive singular values. The `\(j^{\text{th}}\)` step --- Canonical Correlation Analysis builds on Singular Value Decomposition just as - Principal Component Analyis, - Correspondence Analyis, - Multiple Linear Regression (at least implicitly) - ... ??? We point out the tight connection between Canonical Correlation Analysis and methods we have already encountered
We can recover Correspondence Analysis from the result of a Canonical Correlation Analysis --- We shall work on a qualitative data frame : `credit` ```r readr::read_csv2("./DATA/credit.csv") %>% dplyr::mutate_all(factor) -> credit ```
In order to smooth CCA, MCA and CA, some factors require collapsing some rare levels We use functions from `forcats` to tidy the data We focus on CCA and CA for variables `Marche` and `Logement` --- ### Handling rare levels ```r *credit[['Marche']] <- fct_collapse( credit[['Marche']], "Mobilier / Ameublement" = "Mobilier / Ameublement", "Renovation" = "Renovation", * "Moto" = c ("Moto", "Scooter", "Side-car"), "Voiture" = "Voiture") *credit$Enfants <- fct_lump(credit$Enfants, n = 3, other_level = "Enf>2") *credit$Logement <- fct_collapse(credit$Logement, "Accedant a la propriete"="Accedant a la propriete", "Locataire"="Locataire", * "Loge par ..." = c("Loge par l'employeur", "Loge par la famille"), "Proprietaire"="Proprietaire") ``` --- ### Description of `credit` dataset Columns `Marche` and `Logement` ### Bivariate indicator matrix - A 2-way contingency table `\(T\)` with `\(J_1\)` rows and `\(J_2\)` columns. `\(T[a,b]\)` denotes the number of number of co-occurrences of modalities `\(a \in \{1, J_1\}\)` and `\(b \in \{1, \ldots J_2\}\)`. - The 2-way contingency table is _usually_ collected from a data frame `DT` with two qualitative columns and `\(n\)` rows. - We can also proceed by _pivoting_ the bivariate table, making it a dataframe `\(Z\)` with `\(n\)` rows and `\(J_1 + J_2\)` columns. If `\(j_1 \leq J_1\)`, `\(Z[i, j_1] =1\)` if for observation/row `\(i\)`, the modality of first variable is `\(j_1\)`, `\(0\)` otherwise. - Table `\(Z\)` is called the _complete disjunctive table_ derived from DT `$$Z = \bigg[ \underbrace{Z_1 }_{J_1 \text{ col. }} {\Large\vdots} \underbrace{Z_2 }_{J_2 \text{ col. }} \bigg]$$` `$$T = Z_1^T \times Z_2$$` --- ### Building disjunctive table Packages dedicated to Correspondence Analyis export functions that return disjunctive tables `tab.disjonctif()` in `FactoMineR`. The construction of disjunctive tables can (also) be performed using verbs from `dplyr` and `tidyverse` ```r dplyr::select(credit, Marche, Impaye) %>% tibble::rowid_to_column("id") %>% * tidyr::pivot_wider(id_cols = - Marche, * names_from = Marche, * values_from = Marche) %>% tidyr::pivot_wider(id_cols = -Impaye, names_from = Impaye, values_from = Impaye) %>% dplyr::select(-id) %>% dplyr::mutate_all(~ ! %>% dplyr::mutate_all(as.integer) -> Z ``` ---
As the disjunctive table contains as much information as the contingency table, Correspondence Analyis can be performed on the disjunctive table (indicator matrix) `\(P = \frac{1}{n} Z_1^T \times Z_2\)` `\(S_{1,1} = \frac{1}{n} Z_1^T \times Z_1 - \frac{1}{n^2} Z_1^T\times 1 \times 1^T \times Z_1\)` `\(S_{1,2} = \frac{1}{n} Z_1^T \times Z_2 - \frac{1}{n^2} Z_1^T\times 1 \times 1^T \times Z_2\)` `\(D_r = \frac{1}{n} Z_1^T \times Z_1\)` `\(D_c = \frac{1}{n} Z_2^T \times Z_2\)` --- ### CA SVD of `\(D_r^{-1} \times P \times D_r^{-1} - \mathbb{I} \times \mathbb{I}^T\)`
### CCA SVD of `\(S_{1,1}^{-1/2} \times S_{1,2} \times S_{2,2}^{-1/2}\)`
--- template: inter-slide name: mlr ## Multiple Linear Regression as Canonical Correlation Analysis ---
We can recover Multiple Linear Regression from the result of a Canonical Correlation Analysis -- - In Multiple Linear Regression, we are given a response vector `\(Y \in \mathbb{R}^n\)` and a design `\(Z \in \mathcal{M}_{n,p}\)` - We are looking for `\(\beta \in \mathbb{R}^p\)` that minimizes `\(\Vert Y - Z \beta\Vert^2\)` - The optimum is achieved at `\(\color{red}{\widehat{\beta} = (Z^T\times Z)^{-1}\times Z^T \times Y}\)`<sup>*</sup> -- - For CCA, the optimum correlation is the cosine of the angle between `\(Y\)` and its projection `\(\widehat{Y}\)` on the linear space spanned by the columns of `\(Z\)`, `$$\widehat{Y} = Z \widehat{\beta}$$` - We may choose `\(\color{red}{a=1}\)` and `\(\color{red}{b=\widehat{\beta}}\)` (or any vectors in these two directions) [*] In case `\(Z^T \times Z\)` is not invertible, `\((Z^T\times Z)^{-1}\)` denotes the Moore-Penrose pseudo-inverse --- exclude: true ## CCA of Complete Disjunctive Table ```r # code chunk here data(iris) ggplot(iris) + aes(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, color = Species) + geom_point() ```  ??? --- class: middle, center, inverse background-image: url('./img/pexels-cottonbro-3171837.jpg') background-size: cover # The End