We investigate life tables describing countries from Western Europe (France, Great Britain –actually England and Wales–, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, and Sweden) and the United States.
Life tables used here have been doctored and merged so as to simplify discussion.
We will use the next lookup tables to recode some factors.
country_code<-list(fr_t='FRATNP', fr_c='FRACNP', be='BEL', gb_t='GBRTENW', gb_c='GBRCENW', nl='NLD', it='ITA', swe='SWE', sp='ESP', us='USA')countries<-c('fr_t', 'gb_t', 'nl', 'it', 'sp', 'swe', 'us')country_names<-list(fr_t='France', # total population fr_c='France', # civilian population be='Belgium', gb_t='England & Wales', # total population gb_c='England & Wales', # civilian population nl='Netherlands', it='Italy', swe='Sweden', sp='Spain', us='USA')gender_names<-list('b'='Both','f'='Female','m'='Male')
datafile<-'full_life_table.Rds'fpath<-stringr::str_c("./DATA/", datafile)# here::here('DATA', datafile) # check getwd() if problem if(!file.exists(fpath)){download.file("https://stephane-v-boucheron.fr/data/full_life_table.Rds", fpath, mode="wb")}life_table<-readr::read_rds(fpath)
Two kinds of Life Tables can be distinguished: Table du moment which contain for each calendar year, the mortality risks at different ages for that very year; and Tables de génération which contain for a given birthyear, the mortality risks at which an individual born during that year has been exposed.
The life tables investigated in this lab are Table du moment. According to the document by Vallin and Meslé, building the life tables required decisions and doctoring.
Definitions can be obtained from www.lifeexpectancy.org. We translate it into mathematical (rather than demographic) language. Recall that the quantities define a probability distribution over \(\mathbb{N}\). This probability distribution is a construction that reflects the health situation in a population at a given time (year). This probability distribution does not describe the sequence of sanitary situations experienced by a cohort (people born during a specific year).
One works with a period, or current, life table (table du moment). This summarizes the mortality experience of persons across all ages in a short period, typically one year or three years. More precisely, the death probabilities \(q(x)\) for every age \(x\) are computed for that short period, often using census information gathered at regular intervals. These \(q(x)\)’s are then applied to a hypothetical cohort of \(100 000\) people over their life span to produce a life table.
In the sequel, we denote by \(F_{t}\) the cumulative distribution function for year \(t\). \(F_t(x)\) represents the probability of dying at age not larger than \(x\).
We agree on \(\overline{F}_t = 1 - F_t\) and \(F_t(-1)=0\).
The life tables are highly redundant. Provided we get the right conventions we can derive almost all columns from column qx.
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'Country', 'Year'. You can override using
the `.groups` argument.
# A tibble: 21 × 7
# Groups: Country, Gender [21]
Year Country Gender m1 m2 m3 m4
<int> <fct> <fct> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1948 Spain Both 1 0.874 2.20 0.00838
2 1948 Spain Female 1 0.789 1.56 0.00816
3 1952 Spain Male 1 0.802 5.5 0.0119
4 2004 Italy Both 1 0.836 0.968 0.0150
5 2004 Italy Female 1 0.875 1.03 0.0149
6 1984 Italy Male 1 0.774 5.56 0.0146
7 2007 France Both 1 0.887 0.976 0.0152
8 2007 France Female 1 0.890 0.980 0.0151
9 1979 France Male 1 0.764 4.97 0.0161
10 1992 England & Wales Both 1 0.898 2.42 0.0135
# ℹ 11 more rows
(age-specific) risk of death at age \(x\), or mortality quotient at given age \(x\) for given year \(t\): \(q_{t,x} = \frac{\overline{F}_t(x) - \overline{F}_t(x+1)}{\overline{F}_t(x)}\).
For each year, each age, \(q_{t,x}\) is determined by data from that year.
We also have \[\overline{F}_{t}(x+1) = \overline{F}_{t}(x) \times (1-q_{t,x+1})\, .\]
central death rate at age \(x\) during year \(t\). This is connected with \(q_{t,x}\) by \[m_{t,x} = -\log(1- q_{t,x}) \,, \] or equivalently \(q_{t,x} = 1 - \exp(-m_{t,x})\).
the so-called survival function: the scaled proportion of persons alive at age \(x\). These values are computed recursively from the \(q_{t,x}\) values using the formula \[l_t(x+1) = l_t(x) \times (1-q_{t,x}) \, ,\] with \(l_{t,0}\), the “radix” of the table, arbitrarily set to \(100000\). Function \(l_{t,\cdot}\) and \(\overline{F}_t\) are connected by \[l_{t,x + 1} = l_{t,0} \times \overline{F}_t(x)\,.\] Note that in Probability theory, \(\overline{F}\) is also called the survival or tail function.
\(d_{t,x} = q_{t,x} \times l_{t,x}\)
Total number of person-years lived by the cohort from age \(x\) to \(x+1\). This is the sum of the years lived by the \(l_{t, x+1}\) persons who survive the interval, and the \(d_{t,x}\) persons who die during the interval. The former contribute exactly \(1\) year each, while the latter contribute, on average, approximately half a year, so that \(L_{t,x} = l_{t,x+1} + 0.5 \times d_{t,x}\). This approximation assumes that deaths occur, on average, half way in the age interval x to x+1. Such is satisfactory except at age 0 and the oldest age, where other approximations are often used; We will stick to a simplified vision \(L_{t,x}= l_{t,x+1}\)
Residual Life Expectancy at age \(x\) and year \(t\)
Western countries in 1948
Several pictures share a common canvas: we plot central death rates against ages using a logarithmic scale on the \(y\) axis. Countries are identified by aesthetics (shape, color, linetypes). Abiding to the DRY principle, we define a prototype ggplot (alternatively plotly) object. The prototype will be fed with different datasets and decorated and arranged for the different figures.
The animated plot allows to spot more details. It is useful to use color so as to distinguish threee areas: USA; Northern Europe (NE) comprising England and Wales, the Netherlands, and Sweden; Southern Europe (SE) comprising Spain, Italy, and France. In 1948, NE and the USA exhibit comparable central death reates at all ages for the two genders, the USA looking like a more dangerous place for young adults. Spain lags behind, Italy and Frane showing up at intermediate positions.
By year 1962, SE has almost caught up the USA. Italy and Spain still have higher infant mortality while central death rates in the USA and France are almost identical at all ages for both genders. Central death rates attain a minimum around 10-12 for both genders. In Spain the minium central death rate has been divided by almost ten between 1948 and 1962.
If we dig further we observe that the shape of the male central death rates curve changes over time. In 1962, in the USA and France, central death rates exhibit a sharp increase between years 12 and 18, then remain almost constant between 20 and 30 and afterwards increase again. This pattern shows up in other countries but in a less spectacular way.
Twenty years afterwards, during years 1980-1985, death rates at age 0 have decreased at around \(1\%\) in all countries while it was \(7\%\) in Spain in 1948. The male central death curve exhibits a plateau between ages 20 and 30. Central death rates at this age look higher in France and the USA.
By year 2000, France is back amongst European countries (at least with respect to central death rates). Young adult mortality rates are higher in the USA than in Europe. This phenomenon became more pregnant during the last decade.
Plot ratios between mortality quotients (qx) in European countries and mortality quotients in the USA in 1948.
with(params,(eur_us_table%>%ggplot(aes(x=Age, y=Ratio, col=Area, frame=Year, linetype=Country))+scale_y_log10()+scale_x_continuous(breaks =c(seq(0, 100, 10), 109))+geom_point(size=.1)+geom_smooth(method="loess", se=FALSE, span=.1, size=.1)+ylab("Ratio of mortality quotients with respect to US")+labs(linetype="Country", color="Area")+ggtitle(label =stringr::str_c("European countries with respect to US,", year_p,'-', year_e, sep =" "), subtitle ="Sweden consistently ahead")+facet_grid(rows =vars(Gender)))%>%ggplotly())
This animation reveals less than the preceding one since we just have ratios with respect to the USA. But the patterns followed by European societies emerge in a more transparent way. The divide between northern and southern Europe at the onset of the period is even more visible. The ratios are important across the continent: there is a factor of 10 between spanish and swedish infant mortality rates. But the ratios at ages 50 and above tend to be similar. By the early 60s, the gap between southern and northern Europe has shrinked. By now, the ratios between central death rates tend to be within a factor of 2 across all ages, and even less at ages 50 and above.
Death rates evolution since WW II
Plot mortality quotients (column qx) for both genders as a function of Age for years 1946, 1956, ... up to 2016 .
Write a function ratio_mortality_rates with signature function(df, reference_year=1946, target_years=seq(1946, 2016, 10)) that takes as input:
a dataframe with the same schema as life_table,
a reference year ref_year and
a sequence of years target_years
and that returns a dataframe with schema:
Column Name
Column Type
where (Country, Year, Age, Gender) serves as a primary key, mx denotes the central death rate at Age for Year and Gender in Country whereas qx_ref_year denotes mortality quatient at Age for argument reference_year in Country for Gender.
Draw plots displaying the ratio \(m_{x,t}/m_{x, 1946}\) for ages \(x \in 1, \ldots, 90\) and year \(t\) for \(t \in 1946, \ldots, 2016\) where \(m_{x,t}\) is the central death rate at age \(x\) during year \(t\).
Handle both genders and countries Spain, Italy, France, England & Wales, USA, Sweden, Netherlands.
Comment. During the last seventy years, death rates decreased at all ages in all seven countries. This progress has not been uniform across ages, genders and countries. Across most countries, infant mortality dramatically improved during the first post-war decade while death rates at age 50 and above remained stable until the mid seventies.
We noticed that central death rates did not evolve in the same way across all ages: first, the decay has been much more significant at low ages; second, the decay of central death rates at old ages (above 60) mostly took place during the last four decades. It is worth digging separately at what happened for different parts of life.
Plot mortality quotients at ages \(0, 1, 5\) as a function of time. Facet by Gender and Country
All European countries achieved the same infant mortality rates after year 2000. The USA now lag behind.
During years 1940-1945, in the Netherlands and France, gains obtained before 1940 were reversed. Year 1945 was particularly difficult in the Netherlands.
Plot mortality quotients at ages \(15, 20, 40, 60\) as a function of time. Facet by Gender and Country
Life expectancy
Write a function that takes as input a vector of mortality quotients, as well as an age, and returns the residual life expectancy corresponding to the vector and the given age.
Write a function that takes as input a dataframe with the same schema as life_table and returns a data frame with columns Country, Gender, Year, Age defining a primary key and a column res_lex containing residual life expectancy corresponding to the pimary key.
The next window function suffices to compute life expectancy at birth. It computes the logarithm of survival probabilities for each Country, Year, Gender (partition) at each Age. Note that the expression mentions an aggregation function sum and that the correction of the result is ensured by a correct design of the frame argument.
In order to compute Residual Life Expectancies at all ages, instead of performing aggregation, we compute a second window function. For each Year, Country, Gender (defining the partition), for each Age, the Residual Life Expectancy is the sum of survival probabilities over the frame defined by the current Age and all ages above.
Departing from the official method for computing residual life expectancy, we use the simplified recursion \[
e_{t,x} = (1- q_{t,x}) \times (1 + e_{t,x+1}) \,.
\] That is, we assume that people dying between age \(x\) (included) and \(x+1\) (non-included) die exactly on their \(x^{\text{th}}\) birthday. The official calculation assume that except at age \(0\) and great age, people die uniformly at random between age \(x\) and \(x+1\): \[
e_{t,x} = (1- q_{t,x}) \times (1 + e_{t,x+1}) + \frac{1}{2} \times q_{t,x}
This recursion suggests a more efficient to compute residual life expectancies at all ages.
Plot residual life expectancy as a function of Year at ages \(60\) and \(65\), facet by Gender and Country.