
February 7, 2024

Linear Regression on Whiteside data

Packages installation and loading (again)

We will use the following packages. If needed, we install them.

to_be_loaded <- c("tidyverse", 
#                  "cowplot",

for (pck in to_be_loaded) {
  if (!require(pck, character.only = T)) {
    install.packages(pck, repos="")
    stopifnot(require(pck, character.only = T))


whiteside <- MASS::whiteside # no need to load the whole package

cur_dataset <- str_to_title(as.character(substitute(whiteside)))
# ?whiteside

Mr Derek Whiteside of the UK Building Research Station recorded the weekly gas consumption and average external temperature at his own house in south-east England for two heating seasons, one of 26 weeks before, and one of 30 weeks after cavity-wall insulation was installed. The object of the exercise was to assess the effect of the insulation on gas consumption.

whiteside %>% 
Rows: 56
Columns: 3
$ Insul <fct> Before, Before, Before, Before, Before, Before, Before, Before, …
$ Temp  <dbl> -0.8, -0.7, 0.4, 2.5, 2.9, 3.2, 3.6, 3.9, 4.2, 4.3, 5.4, 6.0, 6.…
$ Gas   <dbl> 7.2, 6.9, 6.4, 6.0, 5.8, 5.8, 5.6, 4.7, 5.8, 5.2, 4.9, 4.9, 4.3,…

Start with columnwise and pairwise exploration

C <- whiteside %>% 
  select(where(is.numeric)) %>% 

# Covariance between Gas and Temp

mu_n <- whiteside %>% 
  select(where(is.numeric)) %>% 

# mu_n # Mean vector

\[ C_n = \begin{bmatrix} 7.56 & -2.19\\ -2.19 & 1.36 \end{bmatrix} \qquad \mu_n = \begin{bmatrix} 4.88\\ 4.07 \end{bmatrix} \]

Use skimr::skim() to write univariate reports

Build a scatterplot of the Whiteside dataset

Build boxplots of Temp and Gas versus Insul

Build violine plots of Temp and Gas versus Insul

Plot histograms of Temp and Gas versus Insul

Plot density estimates of Temp and Gas versus Insul.

Hand-made calculatoin of simple linear regression estimates for Gas versus Temp

Overlay the scatterplot with the regression line.

Using lm()

lm stands for Linear Models. Function lm has a number of arguments, including:

  • formula
  • data

Including a rough summary in a report is not always a good idea. It is easy to extract a tabular version of the summary using functions tidy() and glance() from package broom.

For html output DT::datatable() allows us to polish the final output

Function glance() extract informations that can be helpful when performing model/variable selection.

R offers a function confint() that can be fed with objects of class lm. Explain the output of this function.

Diagnostic plots

Method plot.lm() of generic S3 function plot from base R offers six diagnostic plots. By default it displays four of them.

What are the diagnostic plots good for?

These diagnostic plots can be built from the information gathered in the lm object returned by lm(...).

It is convenient to extract the required pieces of information using method augment.lm. of generic function augment() from package broom.

Recall that in the output of augment()

  • .fitted: \(\widehat{Y} = H \times Y= X \times \widehat{\beta}\)
  • .resid: \(\widehat{\epsilon} = Y - \widehat{Y}\) residuals, \(\sim (\text{Id}_n - H) \times \epsilon\)
  • .hat: diagonal coefficients of Hat matrix \(H\)
  • .sigma: is meant to be the estimated standard deviation of components of \(\widehat{Y}\)

Compute the share of explained variance

Plot residuals against fitted values

Fitted against square root of standardized residuals.


Taking into account Insulation

Design a formula that allows us to take into account the possible impact of Insulation. Insulation may impact the relation between weekly Gas consumption and average external Temperature in two ways. Insulation may modify the Intercept, it may also modify the slope, that is the sensitivity of Gas consumption with respect to average external Temperature.

Have a look at formula documentation (?formula).

Check the design using function model.matrix(). How can you relate this augmented design and the one-hot encoding of variable Insul?

Function model.matrix() allows us to inspect the design matrix.

In order to solve le Least-Square problems, we have to compute \[(X^T \times X)^{-1} \times X^T\] This can be done in several ways.

lm() uses QR factorization.

#matador::mat2latex(signif(solve(t(X) %*% X), 2))

\[ (X^T \times X)^{-1} = \begin{bmatrix} 0.18 & -0.026 & -0.18 & 0.026\\ -0.026 & 0.0048 & 0.026 & -0.0048\\ -0.18 & 0.026 & 0.31 & -0.048\\ 0.026 & -0.0048 & -0.048 & 0.0099 \end{bmatrix} \]

Understanding .fitted column

Understanding .resid

Understanding .hat

Understanding .std.resid

Understanding column .sigma