Try to load (potentially) useful packages in a chunk at the beginning of your file.

to_be_loaded <- c("tidyverse", 

for (pck in to_be_loaded) {
  if (!require(pck, character.only = T)) {
    install.packages(pck, repos="")
    stopifnot(require(pck, character.only = T))

Set the (graphical) theme

old_theme <- theme_set(theme_minimal())

In this lab, we load the data from the hard drive. The data are read from some file located in our tree of directories. Loading requires the determination of the correct filepath. This filepath is often a relative filepath, it is relative to the directory where the R session/the R script has been launched. Base R offers functions that can help you to find your way the directories tree.

getwd() # Where are we? 
## [1] "/home/boucheron/Documents/COURS/EDA_LABS"
head(list.files())  # List the files in the current directory
## [1] "_extensions"        "_handout"           "_handout_fr"       
## [4] "_handout_solution"  "_metadata.yml"      "_quarto-french.yml"
head(list.dirs())   # List sub-directories
## [1] "."                                              
## [2] "./_extensions"                                  
## [3] "./_extensions/quarto-ext"                       
## [4] "./_extensions/quarto-ext/fontawesome"           
## [5] "./_extensions/quarto-ext/fontawesome/assets"    
## [6] "./_extensions/quarto-ext/fontawesome/assets/css"


In this lab, we pursue our walk in univariate analysis, by introducing univariate analysis for categorical variables.

This amounts to exploring, summarizing, visualizing categorical columns of a dataset.

This also often involves table wrangling: retyping some columns, relabelling, reordering, lumping levels of factors, that is factor re-engineering.

Summarizing univariate categorical samples amounts to counting the number of occurrences of levels in the sample.

Visualizing categorical samples starts with

  • Bar plots
  • Column plots

This exploratory work seldom makes it to the final report. Nevertheless, it has to be done in an efficient, reproducible way.

This is an opportunity to introduce the DRY principle.

At the end, we shall see that skimr::skim() can be very helpful.

Dataset Recensement (Census, bis)

Since 1948, the US Census Bureau carries out a monthly Current Population Survey, collecting data concerning residents aged above 15 from \(150 000\) households. This survey is one of the most important sources of information concerning the american workforce. Data reported in file Recensement.txt originate from the 2012 census.

Dataset Recensement can be found in file Recensement.csv in your DATA repository.

Have a look at the text file. Choose a loading function for each format. Rstudio IDE provides a valuable helper.

Load the data into the session environment and call it df.

list.dirs(recursive = F)
##  [1] "./_extensions"                      "./_handout"                        
##  [3] "./_handout_fr"                      "./_handout_solution"               
##  [5] "./.git"                             "./.quarto"                         
##  [7] "./.Rproj.user"                      "./DATA"                            
##  [9] "./IMG"                              "./lab-R-introd_files"              
## [11] "./lab-univariate-categorical_files" "./UTILS"
##  [1] "Banque.csv"                                                     
##  [2] "OECD-DP_LIVE time series.csv"                                   
##  [3] "OECD.CFE.EDS,DSD_REG_DEMO@DF_LIFE_EXP,1.0+all.csv"              
##  [6] "Recensement.csv"                                                
##  [7] "Recensement.RDS"                                                
##  [8] "REGION_DEMOGR_12012024150444803.csv"                            
##  [9] "semmelweis.csv"                                                 
## [10] "titanic"
df <- readr::read_table("./DATA/Recensement.csv")    # check that the path is correct

Have a glimpse at the dataframe

df %>% 
## Rows: 599
## Columns: 11
## $ AGE        <dbl> 58, 40, 29, 59, 51, 19, 64, 23, 47, 66, 26, 23, 54, 44, 56,…
## $ SEXE       <chr> "F", "M", "M", "M", "M", "M", "F", "F", "M", "F", "M", "F",…
## $ REGION     <chr> "NE", "W", "S", "NE", "W", "NW", "S", "NE", "NW", "S", "NE"…
## $ STAT_MARI  <chr> "C", "M", "C", "D", "M", "C", "M", "C", "M", "D", "M", "C",…
## $ SAL_HOR    <dbl> 13.25, 12.50, 14.00, 10.60, 13.00, 7.00, 19.57, 13.00, 20.1…
## $ SYNDICAT   <chr> "non", "non", "non", "oui", "non", "non", "non", "non", "ou…
## $ CATEGORIE  <dbl> 5, 7, 5, 3, 3, 3, 9, 1, 8, 5, 2, 5, 3, 2, 2, 2, 5, 9, 2, 2,…
## $ NIV_ETUDES <dbl> 43, 38, 42, 39, 35, 39, 40, 43, 40, 40, 42, 40, 34, 40, 43,…
## $ NB_PERS    <dbl> 2, 2, 2, 4, 8, 6, 3, 2, 3, 1, 3, 2, 6, 5, 4, 4, 3, 2, 3, 2,…
## $ NB_ENF     <dbl> 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,…
## $ REV_FOYER  <dbl> 11, 7, 15, 7, 15, 16, 13, 11, 12, 8, 10, 8, 13, 11, 14, 7, …

Column (re)coding

In order to understand the role of each column, have a look at the following coding tables.

  • SEXE
    • F: Female
    • M: Male
    • NE: North-East
    • W: West
    • S: South
    • NW: North-West
    • C (Unmarried)
    • M (Married)
    • D (Divorced)
    • S (Separated)
    • V (Widowed)
    • “non”: not affiliated with any Labour Union
    • “oui”: affiliated with a Labour Union
  • CATEGORIE: Professional activity
    • 1: Business, Management and Finance
    • 2: Liberal professions
    • 3: Services
    • 4: Selling
    • 5: Administration
    • 6: Agriculture, Fishing, Forestry
    • 7: Building
    • 8: Repair and maintenance
    • 9: Production
    • 10: Commodities Transportation
  • NIV_ETUDES: Education level
    • 32: at most 4 years schooling
    • 33: between 5 and 6 years schooling
    • 34: between 7 and 8 years schooling
    • 35: 9 years schooling
    • 36: 10 years schooling
    • 37: 11 years schooling
    • 38: 12 years schooling, dropping out from High School without a diploma
    • 39: 12 years schooling, with High School diploma
    • 40: College education with no diploma
    • 41: Associate degree, vocational. Earned in two years or more
    • 42: Associate degree, academic. Earned in two years or more
    • 43: Bachelor
    • 44: Master
    • 45: Specific School Diploma
    • 46: PhD
  • REV_FOYER : Classes of annual household income in dollars.
  • NB_PERS : Number of people in the household.
  • NB_ENF : Number of children in the household.

Handling factors

We build lookup tables to incorporate the above information.

category_lookup = c(
  "1"= "Business, Management and Finance",
  "2"= "Liberal profession",
  "3"= "Services",
  "4"= "Selling",
  "5"= "Administration",
  "6"= "Agriculture, Fishing, Forestry",
  "7"= "Building ",
  "8"= "Repair and maintenance",
  "9"= "Production",
  "10"= "Commodities Transport"

# code_category <- as_tibble() %>% rownames_to_column() %>% rename(code = rowname, name=value)

The named vectors are turned into two-columns dataframes (tibbles).

In the next chunk

vector2tibble <- function(v) { 
  tibble(name=v, code= names(v))
code_category <- category_lookup %>%

# A tibble: 10 × 2
   name                               code 
   <chr>                              <chr>
 1 "Business, Management and Finance" 1    
 2 "Liberal profession"               2    
 3 "Services"                         3    
 4 "Selling"                          4    
 5 "Administration"                   5    
 6 "Agriculture, Fishing, Forestry"   6    
 7 "Building "                        7    
 8 "Repair and maintenance"           8    
 9 "Production"                       9    
10 "Commodities Transport"            10   

The function vector2tibble could be defined using the concise piping notation. . serves as a pronoun.

vector2tibble <- . %>% 
  tibble(name=., code= names(.)) 

Note the use of . as pronoun for the function argument.

This construction is useful for turning a pipeline into a univariate function.

The function vector2tibble could also be defined by binding identifier vector2tibble with an anonymous function.

vector2tibble <- \(v) tibble(name=v, code= names(v)) 
education_lookup = c(
  "32"= "<= 4 years schooling",
  "33"= "between 5 and 6 years",
  "34"= "between 7 and 8 years",
  "35"= "9 years schooling",
  "36"= "10 years schooling",
  "37"= "11 years schooling",
  "38"= "12 years schooling, no diploma",
  "39"= "12 years schooling, HS diploma",
  "40"= "College without diploma",
  "41"= "Associate degree, vocational",
  "42"= "Associate degree, academic",
  "43"= "Bachelor",
  "44"= "Master",
  "45"= "Specific School Diploma",
  "46"= "PhD"

code_education <- vector2tibble(education_lookup)
status_lookup <- c(

code_status <- status_lookup %>% 
breaks_revenue <-c(

Table wrangling

Which columns should be considered as categorical/factor?

Deciding which variables are categorical sometimes requires judgement.

Let us attempt to base the decision on a checkable criterion: determine the number of distinct values in each column, consider those columns with less than 20 distinct values as factors.

We can find the names of the columns with few unique values by iterating over the column names.

We already designed a pipeline to determine which columns should be transformed into a factor (categorized). In the next chunk, we turn the pipeline into a univariate function named to_be_categorized with one argument (the dataframe)

to_be_categorized  <- . %>% 
  summarise(across(everything(), n_distinct)) %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols = everything(), values_to = c("n_levels")) %>% 
  filter(n_levels < 20) %>% 
  arrange(n_levels) %>% 

to_be_categorized can be used like a function.

## Functional sequence with the following components:
##  1. summarise(., across(everything(), n_distinct))
##  2. pivot_longer(., cols = everything(), values_to = c("n_levels"))
##  3. filter(., n_levels < 20)
##  4. arrange(., n_levels)
##  5. pull(., name)
## Use 'functions' to extract the individual functions.
tbc <- to_be_categorized(df)

[1] "SEXE"       "SYNDICAT"   "REGION"     "STAT_MARI"  "NB_ENF"    

Note that columns NB_PERS and NB_ENF have few unique values and nevertheless we could consider them as quantitative.

Coerce the relevant columns as factors.

Use dplyr and forcats verbs to perform this coercion.

Use the across() construct so as to perform a kind if tidy selection (as with select) with verb mutate.

You may use forcats::as_factor() to transform columns when needed.

Verb dplyr::mutate is a convenient way to modify a dataframe.

We can repeat the categorization step used in the preceding lab.

df %>% 
  mutate(across(all_of(tbc), as_factor)) %>% 
Rows: 599
Columns: 11
$ AGE        <dbl> 58, 40, 29, 59, 51, 19, 64, 23, 47, 66, 26, 23, 54, 44, 56,…
$ SEXE       <fct> F, M, M, M, M, M, F, F, M, F, M, F, F, F, F, F, F, M, M, F,…
$ REGION     <fct> NE, W, S, NE, W, NW, S, NE, NW, S, NE, NE, W, NW, S, S, NW,…
$ STAT_MARI  <fct> C, M, C, D, M, C, M, C, M, D, M, C, M, C, M, C, S, M, S, C,…
$ SAL_HOR    <dbl> 13.25, 12.50, 14.00, 10.60, 13.00, 7.00, 19.57, 13.00, 20.1…
$ SYNDICAT   <fct> non, non, non, oui, non, non, non, non, oui, non, non, non,…
$ CATEGORIE  <fct> 5, 7, 5, 3, 3, 3, 9, 1, 8, 5, 2, 5, 3, 2, 2, 2, 5, 9, 2, 2,…
$ NIV_ETUDES <fct> 43, 38, 42, 39, 35, 39, 40, 43, 40, 40, 42, 40, 34, 40, 43,…
$ NB_PERS    <fct> 2, 2, 2, 4, 8, 6, 3, 2, 3, 1, 3, 2, 6, 5, 4, 4, 3, 2, 3, 2,…
$ NB_ENF     <fct> 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,…
$ REV_FOYER  <fct> 11, 7, 15, 7, 15, 16, 13, 11, 12, 8, 10, 8, 13, 11, 14, 7, …

The pronoun mechanism that comes with the pipe %>% offers a alternative:

df <- df %>% 
  mutate(across(all_of(to_be_categorized(.)), as_factor)) 
df  %>% 
Rows: 599
Columns: 11
$ AGE        <dbl> 58, 40, 29, 59, 51, 19, 64, 23, 47, 66, 26, 23, 54, 44, 56,…
$ SEXE       <fct> F, M, M, M, M, M, F, F, M, F, M, F, F, F, F, F, F, M, M, F,…
$ REGION     <fct> NE, W, S, NE, W, NW, S, NE, NW, S, NE, NE, W, NW, S, S, NW,…
$ STAT_MARI  <fct> C, M, C, D, M, C, M, C, M, D, M, C, M, C, M, C, S, M, S, C,…
$ SAL_HOR    <dbl> 13.25, 12.50, 14.00, 10.60, 13.00, 7.00, 19.57, 13.00, 20.1…
$ SYNDICAT   <fct> non, non, non, oui, non, non, non, non, oui, non, non, non,…
$ CATEGORIE  <fct> 5, 7, 5, 3, 3, 3, 9, 1, 8, 5, 2, 5, 3, 2, 2, 2, 5, 9, 2, 2,…
$ NIV_ETUDES <fct> 43, 38, 42, 39, 35, 39, 40, 43, 40, 40, 42, 40, 34, 40, 43,…
$ NB_PERS    <fct> 2, 2, 2, 4, 8, 6, 3, 2, 3, 1, 3, 2, 6, 5, 4, 4, 3, 2, 3, 2,…
$ NB_ENF     <fct> 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,…
$ REV_FOYER  <fct> 11, 7, 15, 7, 15, 16, 13, 11, 12, 8, 10, 8, 13, 11, 14, 7, …

The dot . in all_of(to_be_categorized(.)) refers to the left-hand side of %>%.

Evaluation of pull(to_be_categorized, name) returns a character vector containing the names of the columns to be categorized. all_of() enables mutate to perform as_factor() on each of these columns and to bind the column names to the transformed columns.

Relabel the levels of REV_FOYER using the breaks.

We first built readable labels for REV_FOYER. As each level of REV_FOYER corresponds to an interval, we use intervals as labels.

income_slices <- levels(df$REV_FOYER)

l <- length(breaks_revenue)

names(income_slices) <- paste(
df <- df %>% 
  mutate(REV_FOYER=forcats::fct_recode(REV_FOYER, !!!income_slices)) 

df %>% 
  relocate(REV_FOYER) %>% 
# A tibble: 6 × 11
  <fct>       <dbl> <fct> <fct>  <fct>       <dbl> <fct>    <fct>     <fct>     
1 35000-40000    58 F     NE     C            13.2 non      5         43        
2 17500-20000    40 M     W      M            12.5 non      7         38        
3 75000-1e+05    29 M     S      C            14   non      5         42        
4 17500-20000    59 M     NE     D            10.6 oui      3         39        
5 75000-1e+05    51 M     W      M            13   non      3         35        
6 1e+05-1500…    19 M     NW     C             7   non      3         39        
# ℹ 2 more variables: NB_PERS <fct>, NB_ENF <fct>

Note the use of !!! (bang-bang-bang) to unpack the named vector income_slices. The bang-bang-bang device is offered by rlang, a package from tidyverse. It provides a very handy way of calling functions like fct_recode that take an unbounded list of key-values pairs as argument. This is very much like handling keyword arguments in Python using dictionary unpacking.

Relabel the levels of the different factors so as to make the data more readbale

df %>% 
  select(where(is.factor)) %>%
# A tibble: 6 × 9
  <fct> <fct>  <fct>     <fct>    <fct>     <fct>      <fct>   <fct>  <fct>     
1 F     NE     C         non      5         43         2       0      35000-400…
2 M     W      M         non      7         38         2       0      17500-200…
3 M     S      C         non      5         42         2       0      75000-1e+…
4 M     NE     D         oui      3         39         4       1      17500-200…
5 M     W      M         non      3         35         8       1      75000-1e+…
6 M     NW     C         non      3         39         6       0      1e+05-150…

The columns that call for relabelling the levels are:

lookup_category <- code_category$code
names(lookup_category) <- code_category$name

lookup_niv_etudes <- code_education$code
names(lookup_niv_etudes) <- code_education$name

df <- df %>% 
  mutate(CATEGORIE=forcats::fct_recode(CATEGORIE, !!!lookup_category)) %>%
  mutate(NIV_ETUDES=forcats::fct_recode(NIV_ETUDES, !!!lookup_niv_etudes)) 
df %>%
# A tibble: 6 × 11
  <dbl> <fct> <fct>  <fct>       <dbl> <fct>    <fct>         <fct>      <fct>  
1    58 F     NE     C            13.2 non      "Administrat… Bachelor   2      
2    40 M     W      M            12.5 non      "Building "   12 years … 2      
3    29 M     S      C            14   non      "Administrat… Associate… 2      
4    59 M     NE     D            10.6 oui      "Services"    12 years … 4      
5    51 M     W      M            13   non      "Services"    9 years s… 8      
6    19 M     NW     C             7   non      "Services"    12 years … 6      
# ℹ 2 more variables: NB_ENF <fct>, REV_FOYER <fct>

We should be able to DRY this.


Search for missing data (optional)

Check whether some columns contain missing data (use

::: {.callout-tip} Useful functions:

  • dplyr::summarise
  • across
  • tidyr::pivot_longer
  • dplyr::arrange
df %>% %>% 
  as_tibble %>% 
  summarise(across(everything(), sum))  %>%
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0



Use table, prop.table from base R to compute the frequencies and proportions of the different levels. In statistics, the result of table() is a (one-way) contingency table.

df %>%
# A tibble: 2 × 2
  SEXE      n
  <fct> <int>
1 F       297
2 M       302

What is the class of the object generated by table? Is it a vector, a list, a matrix, an array ?

ta <- df %>% 
  pull(SEXE) %>% 

l <- list(is.vector=is.vector, is.list=is.list, is.matrix=is.matrix, is.array=is.array)

map_lgl(l, ~ .x(ta))
is.vector   is.list is.matrix  is.array 
    FALSE     FALSE     FALSE      TRUE (or as_tibble) can transform a table object into a dataframe.

ta <-  rename(, SEXE=`.`)

  SEXE Freq
1    F  297
2    M  302

You may use knitr::kabble(), possibly knitr::kable(., format="markdown") to tweak the output.

In order to feed ggplot with a contingency table, it is useful to build contingency tables as dataframes. Use dplyr::count() to do this.

skimr::skim() allows us to perform univariate categorical analysis all at once.

df %>% 
Data summary
Name Piped data
Number of rows 599
Number of columns 11
Column type frequency:
factor 9
Group variables None

Variable type: factor

skim_variable n_missing complete_rate ordered n_unique top_counts
SEXE 0 1 FALSE 2 M: 302, F: 297
REGION 0 1 FALSE 4 S: 200, W: 148, NE: 129, NW: 122
STAT_MARI 0 1 FALSE 5 M: 325, C: 193, D: 61, S: 14
SYNDICAT 0 1 FALSE 2 non: 496, oui: 103
CATEGORIE 0 1 FALSE 10 Lib: 133, Ser: 125, Adm: 94, Sel: 48
NIV_ETUDES 0 1 FALSE 15 12 : 187, Col: 148, Bac: 114, Ass: 45
NB_PERS 0 1 FALSE 9 2: 196, 4: 130, 3: 122, 1: 63
NB_ENF 0 1 FALSE 7 0: 413, 1: 86, 2: 76, 3: 18
REV_FOYER 0 1 FALSE 16 600: 89, 750: 77, 500: 71, 400: 70

The output can be tailored to your specific objectives and fed to functions that are geared to displaying large tables (see packages knitr, DT, and gt)

Save the (polished) data

Saving polished data in self-documented formats can be time-saving. Base R offers the .RDS format

df %>% 

By saving into this format we can persist our work.

dt <-  readRDS("./DATA/Recensement.RDS")

dt %>% 

Compare the size of csv and RDS files.


Plot the counts, first for column SEXE

We shall use barplots to visualize counts.

barplot belongs to the bar graphs family.

Build a barplot to visualize the distribution of the SEXE column.


  • geom_bar (working directly with the data)
  • geom_col (working with a contingency table)
  df %>% 
    ggplot() +
    aes(x=SEXE) +
    geom_bar() +
    ggtitle("With geom_bar")) + (
  df %>% 
    count(SEXE) %>% 
    ggplot() +
    aes(x=SEXE, y=n) +
    geom_col() +
    ggtitle("With geom_col")

When investigating relations between categerical columns we will often rely on mosaicplot(). Indeed, barplot and mosaicplot belong to the collection of area plots that are used to visualize counts (statistical summaries for categorical variables).

mosaicplot(~ SEXE, df)

Repeat the same operation for each qualitative variable (DRY)

Using a for loop

We have to build a barplot for each categorical variable. Here, we just have nine of them. We could do this using cut and paste, and some editing. In doing so, we would not comply with the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle.

In order to remain DRY, we will attempt to abstract the recipe we used to build our first barplot.

This recipe is pretty simple:

  1. Build a ggplot object with df as the data layer.
  2. Add an aesthetic mapping a categorical column to axis x
  3. Add a geometry using geom_bar
  4. Add labels explaining the reader which column is under scrutiny

We first need to gather the names of the categorical columns. The following chunk does this in a simple way.

col_names <- df %>% 

In the next chunk, we shall build a named list of ggplot objects consisting of barplots. The for loop body is almost obtained by cutting and pasting the recipe for the first barplot.

Note an important difference: instead of something aes(x=col) where col denotes a column in the dataframe, we shall write aes([[col]]) where col is a string that matches a column name. Writing aes(x=col) would not work.

The loop variable col iterates over the column names, not over the columns themselves.

When using ggplot in interactive computations, we write aes(x=col), and, under the hood, the interpreter uses the tidy evaluation mechanism that underpins R to map df$col to the x axis.

ggplot functions like aes() use data masking to alleviate the burden of the working Statistician.

Within the context of ggplot programming, pronoun .data refers to the data layer of the graphical object.

list_plots <- list()

for (col in col_names){
  p <- df %>% 
  ggplot() +
  aes([[col]]) +     # mind the .data pronoun
  geom_bar() +
    title="Census data",
    subtitle = col

  list_plots[[col]] <- p  # add the ggplot object to the list

Inspect the individual plots.

p_temp <- list_plots[["REV_FOYER"]] +


If the labels on the x-axis are not readable, we need to tweak them. This amounts to modifying the theme layer in the ggplot object, and more specifically the axis.text.x attribute.

p_temp +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45)) 

Using functional programming (lapply, purrr::...)

Another way to compute the list of graphical objects replaces the for loop by calling a functional programming tool. This mechanism relies on the fact that in R, functions are first-class objects.

Package purrr offers a large range of tools with a clean API. Base R offers lapply().

We shall first define a function that takes as arguments a datafame, a column name, and a title. We do not perform any defensive programming. Call your function foo.

foo <- function(df, col, .title= "WE NEED A TITLE!!!"){
  p <- df %>% 
  ggplot() +
  aes(x=fct_infreq(.data[[col]])) +
  geom_bar() +
    subtitle = col
  ) +
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45)) 

Functional programmming makes code easier to understand.

Use foo, lapply or purrr::map() to build the list of graphical objects.

With purrr::map(), you may use either a formula or an anonymous function. With lapply use an anonymous function.

ll <- map(col_names, ~ foo(df, .x, "Census data"))
map(col_names, \(x) foo(df, x, "Census data"))
lapply(col_names, \(x)  foo(df, x, "Census data"))

This is essentially like executing

ll <- list()

for (.x in col_names){
  ll[[.x]] <- foo(df, .x, "Census data")

Package patchwork offers functions for displaying collections of related plots.

patchwork::wrap_plots(ll, ncol=3)